AGU Zurich conducts research and development projects and/ or assists you in performing such tasks. Topics are not limited to (trauma) biomechanics but include fields such as engineering of safety components, accident statistics, fitness to drive or safety of public transport systems.
Besides research and development for private companies we are also engaged in publicly funded research projects. Traffic safety issues and topics related to sports injuries form the focus of our research activities. Information on our scientific publications are available in the publications section. Currently, we work on projects on whiplash associated disorders (WAD), airbag protective garments, accident statistics and evaluation of injury severity, e-bike accidents, collisions between trams and pedestrians, and driver assistance systems.
We are glad to perform development and engineering projects for you. The development of vehicle/ aircraft components or the optimisation of vehicles of the public transport (bus, tram) are examples of such development work.
In addition to conducting research or development projects we also offer to provide know-how and assistance as part of a consultancy contract. This can, for instance, include monitoring and reviewing of a development project or the mandate for regular consultations and support.
Contact: PD Dr. K.-U. Schmitt