The Working Group on Accident Mechanics (AGU Zurich) was founded in the 1970’s by scientists of the University Zurich and the ETH Zurich. In an interdisciplinary co-operation subjects like the reduction of the injury risk in collisions of cars against pedestrians, or the safety of small, lightweight vehicles in collisions against heavier cars were researched. Since the late 1990’s, the AGU has moved towards economic independence from the Universities, first as a Foundation an later also as an incorporated company. On a scientific level, there remains nevertheless a close contact, for example through contributions to teaching in the areas of trauma biomechanics and biomechanics of injuries in sports.
We perform R&D projects on a national and international scale. Contractors and partners are government and public authorities of Switzerland and the EU as well as the automotive industry or insurance companies. We give expert opinions on biomechanical and technical questions related to accidents. An increasing amount of expert opinions concerns events outside road traffic, for instance accidents in sports and leisure activities.
Our team unites knowledge and competence in the medical field as well as in the various disciplines of engineering and movement sciences and sports.